Simpara Product Enhancements

Over the last few months of 2017 and into the New Year, we’ve been working with our technology partners on exciting new releases to our HCM software. This is the result of your feedback and engagement over many months and we couldn’t be more thrilled to announce our first major release of 2018.

Task Versioning: Users now have control to create and manage versions of tasks. For example, if you update your employee handbook you can now create a second version of the original task and push it out to the team. This allows for tracking and reporting of original documents and policies and any future modifications over time.

Task Pic.png

Task Reassignment: Previously a task could be assigned and completed by an employee only once. This limited the functionality of the system as users were unable to assign recurring tasks to employees as necessary for compliance or data capture. Task Versions can now be reassigned to employees whenever necessary. Details and history of each assignment record is stored and reportable regardless of the current status of the Task/Version. 

Reports: Your report tab has been updated to include all employee assignment records to all task versions (active and inactive). The option to download a full company task report has been added to allow a single report for both current and historical records for all employees.

Thanks again to our dedicated clients and partners for your feedback. We are inspired by you and hope these improvements make your daily tasks a little more joyful!
