Starting An Agency In Today’s Climate — Simpara: Benefits Reimagined - A modern employee benefits agency focused on improving health care costs

Starting An Agency In Today’s Climate

Our founder, Adam Berkowitz, was recently featured on David Saltzman’s industry-leading podcast, “Shift Shapers.”

A personal encounter with the medical system led to a decision that making a difference required a different approach. So Adam Berkowitz launched an agency that takes a new-day perspective in its operations and interactions with clients.

What You’ll Learn From this Episode:

  • The personal experience that began the process.

  • Leveraging technology to control expense and enable scaling.

  • Focusing on being educational and consultative.

  • The St. Louis market and its influence.

  • Working with the shifting mindset of clients.

Starting An Agency in Today's Climate
David Saltzman & Adam Berkowitz