Fixing Healthcare

Discounts off of what?

Dave Chase, co-founder of Health Rosetta, penned an article titled “Have PPO Networks Perpetrated The Greatest Heist In American History?” Originally published in Forbes in 2016, it is an eye opening account of the pervasive waste in our healthcare system.

Vail or Bust - Hear from Tara Conger November 14th

Vail or Bust - Hear from Tara Conger November 14th

If you’ve attended any of our healthcare summits or watched our DisruptHR talk, you probably recall the case study we shared regarding Power Johnson Power System’s incredible healthcare initiatives. Don’t remember? PJ Power Systems was so successful in implementing Health Rosetta-style plan design strategies that the leadership team decided to take the entire team (all 100+ employees) on an all-expense paid trip to Vail, Colorado.

Where Did our Raises Go? To Healthcare

The Washington Post published one of the most perceptive op-eds on Labor Day that I’ve seen in a while re: the alarming impact that healthcare costs are having on employer wages: Where Did Our Raises Go? To Healthcare. Likely not new information - although, the way it’s presented will have every executive re-thinking their renewal strategy.
