Simpara Launches MOCPA Association Health Plan


MOCPA and Simpara Partner to Provide a Proactive New Health Plan


ST. LOUIS, Missouri, March 27, 2019—The Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants has partnered with benefit advisory firm, Simpara to launch a first-of-its kind association health plan for its members.

Emphasizing direct, relationship-based primary care, the plan focuses on proactive health management and aims to control costs using evidence-based health purchasing.

The goal is to reimagine health benefits for efficiency, cost-effectiveness and better patient outcomes.

Pricing begins at just $124 per month and thanks to its inclusion of dedicated physician advocates, members receive free, 24/7 access to a one-of-a-kind healthcare experience. These personalized care teams provide ongoing health support and help actively manage members’ care. From arranging for the lowest cost prescriptions to coordinating high-quality specialty care, the objective is reducing downstream costs associated with over utilization and unnecessary care and paying less for specialty care when it is needed.


 “We’re reimagining what a health benefit plan should look like and how that impacts the delivery of first-class healthcare,” says Simpara founder, Adam Berkowitz. “By removing the cost barriers to access high-quality and high-functioning primary care, by actually improving the benefits, we’re able to reverse the trend of higher premiums and ever-higher deductibles and copayments.

Adds Kathleen Meyer, CFO of MOCPA, “The cost of healthcare remains a significant and growing burden for our 10,000+ members and their organizations. We’re thrilled to deliver such a unique program and to continue to add value to our growing membership base.”

MOCPA’s Association Health Plan is currently available for MOCPA members and their organizations. Solo-practitioners, 1099s, and small businesses are all eligible to enroll for a May 1, 2019 effective date.


About Simpara

Simpara is a modern benefits consulting firm combining fresh ideas and cutting-edge technology to focus on improving costs, eliminating administrative burdens and providing an engaging and meaningful experience for employees. Simpara is among the first in the country to be recognized and certified by the Health Rosetta for its groundbreaking work in optimizing healthcare benefits and costs.



The Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants (MOCPA) is the premier professional development organization dedicated to CPAs in Missouri. Membership provides a professional advantage by enabling CPAs to stay current on rapidly changing technical issues, improve the quality of their work, advance their careers, and carry those benefits on to the individuals and businesses they serve.


Contact: Adam Berkowitz | 314.637.6756|

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