Fixing Healthcare


We were recently asked what Benefits Reimagined means to us…

Benefits Reimagined means that someone uninsured can get their insulin delivered overnight for free. It means an expecting mother can deliver their child and not worry about affording their deductible because there isn’t one to pay. It means that a woman battling cancer can get the clinical care she needs without having to fight the insurance system that is working against her.

Schaefer Autobody: How a Health Plan Tune-Up Led to $0 Deductibles

Schaefer Autobody: How a Health Plan Tune-Up Led to $0 Deductibles

Faced once again with an increase in health plan costs, Schaefer Autobody knew they needed a change. They had grown more and more frustrated with their inability to control their healthcare spend and continue to provide great benefits to their team. Another 9% increase, despite two years of declining healthcare expenditures, just wasn’t going to cut it.

On the Path to Fixing Healthcare Part 2 - Eliminating Rx Waste

This post is Part 2 in our series on Fixing Healthcare: Eliminating Rx Waste. Part 1 discussed Direct Contracting and can be read here. What if your business’s employee health plan was covering a drug that cost $350 when there was a comparable alternative that would cost you $13?
